Terms of Service

Company Information:
Address: Kapetana Miloša Žunjića 25ž Belgrade
Registration Number: 66774481
VAT ID: 113369208
Web: https://truefalsehosting.rs/
Contact Phone: +381 69 777 250
Contact Email: info@truefalsehosting.rs

General Terms and Conditions for Service Use


Article 1.

These general terms and conditions for the use of services provided by MLADEN SAVIĆ PR HOSTING TRUE-FALSE BELGRADE – ZVEZDARA define the terms of providing Web Hosting services and domain registration (hereinafter: General Terms) and regulate the rights and obligations of:

Article 2.

MLADEN SAVIĆ PR HOSTING TRUE-FALSE BELGRADE – ZVEZDARA, address: Kapetana Miloša Žunjića 25ž, Registration Number: 66774481, VAT ID: 113369208

(hereinafter: Service Provider) and

Web Hosting Service User (hereinafter: User) regarding the conclusion of a contract for the use of Web Hosting services and domain lease (hereinafter: Contract).

The User is any individual or legal entity that uses the services of the Service Provider.

In accordance with applicable legal regulations, telecommunications law, RNIDS regulations, and international regulations. The detailed service packages, price list, and general terms related to Web Hosting and domain registration are available at: https://truefalsehosting.rs/ and the Service Provider has familiarized the User with them prior to signing these General Terms. By signing these General Terms, the User confirms they agree and will adhere to them.


Article 3.

Certain terms used in the General Terms have the following meanings:

  1. Internet domain – a unique textual identifier that links devices or Internet services into a single administrative and technical entity.
  2. RNIDS – The Registry of National Internet Domain Names of Serbia.
  3. RNIDS General Terms – The general conditions for the registration of .rs domains published on RNIDS’s website: www.rnids.rs.
  4. Contractual Relationship refers to any individual contractual obligation between the User and the Service Provider, allowing the User to utilize the service.
  5. User refers to any individual or legal entity, visitor, or registered user who publishes content.
  6. Registered User refers to an individual or legal entity that enters into a contractual relationship with the Service Provider and has accepted the General Terms of service usage.
  7. Third Parties refers to any legal or individual entity (state, authorities, organizations, other businesses, etc.) that is not in a contractual relationship with the User and the Service Provider.
  8. Service Usage refers to any action taken by the User based on a contractual relationship with the Service Provider.
  9. Prohibited Content/Activity refers to any content or activity carried out by the User that is in violation of these General Terms, individual Contracts, applicable laws, or any content/activity the Service Provider deems to be in violation of positive regulations, with the potential to cause harm to the public interest, the Service Provider, or third parties.

The term prohibited content or activity includes, but is not limited to: criminal or illegal activities, such as child pornography or other illegal pornography, fraud, distribution of illegal content, drug distribution or use, gambling, harassment, stalking, “spam”, phishing, pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, sending viruses, or other harmful files, infringement of copyright, patent violations, or theft of trade secrets.

– Advertising to users or offering to buy or sell any products or services through unauthorized or prohibited means of using the Service.

– Bypassing or altering, attempting to bypass or alter, or encouraging or assisting others to bypass or alter any security technologies or software that are part of the Service.

– Falsifying TCP/IP packet headers or any part of the information in the header of any publication, or in any other way using the Service to send altered, fraudulent, or incorrect information identifying the source.

– Activities that involve using viruses, bots, worms, cryptocurrency mining software, or other computer codes, files, or programs that disrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of computer software or hardware, or otherwise allow unauthorized use or access to a computer or computer network.

– Interfering with any user’s access to the Service, host, or network.

– Covering or obscuring advertisements through banners or other graphic elements on the user’s profile page, or on any Service page via HTML/CSS or in any other way.

– Including HTML, CSS, or any other code on the user’s profile page, including but not limited to all hidden or otherwise stealthily included codes in the submitted content unrelated to the nature of the submitted content.

– Any automatic use of the system, such as, but not limited to, the use of scripts to send images or videos, interfering with, disrupting, or creating an unnecessary load on the Service, or network, or services connected to the Service.

– Impersonating or attempting to impersonate any legal or individual entity.

– Using another user’s credentials at any time, disclosing a password to third parties, or allowing third parties to access a user account that is not their own.

– Selling or transferring user profiles in any other way.

– Using information obtained from the Service to harass, abuse, or harm any person, and attempting to do so, engaging in unauthorized commercial advertisements on the user profile, or accepting payments or anything of value from third parties in exchange for engaging in commercial activities via unauthorized or prohibited use of the Service on behalf of that person, or removing or otherwise altering notices of copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights appearing on user content unless the content is posted by the user.

– Using meta tags or other hidden text or metadata using the Service Provider’s name, trademark, URL, or product names without the prior express permission of the Service Provider.

– Attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any part of the Service or breach any security measures or authentication measures.

– Collecting or storing personal data about other users without their explicit consent.

– Impersonating or falsely representing affiliation with any person through pre-sent text or other forms of social engineering, or other forms of fraud.

– Using the Services in a manner that is not in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations or violating the Service or network security.

For better understanding, Spam refers to the abuse of a hosting account to send unsolicited bulk messages without any criteria or with broad criteria. This is a sensitive issue for all hosting Service Providers and the Internet as a whole. Spam can be intentional or unintentional. Intentional Spam includes commercial spam and forum/community spam. Intentional spam is penalized by automatic blocking of all services where the spam is detected, following the second warning to the User. Unintentional Spam refers to spam of which the User of a shared (English: Shared) web hosting account is not aware. Spam scripts are usually inserted by third parties programmed to send thousands of emails in a short period without any criteria, causing damage to the server from which they are sent (blacklist danger, email server failure, overload) and to the servers to which they are sent. Hosting accounts are usually temporarily suspended after the problem is detected by the Service Provider until the problematic scripts performing mass email sending are found. In this case, once the problem is resolved, the hosting account is reactivated. Unintentional spam on a VPS server is considered intentional and leads to the suspension of the server. If it is determined that the User intentionally rented a VPS or Dedicated server for spamming purposes, the Service Provider reserves the right to cancel the service without the possibility of refund, in accordance with these Terms.

  1. A security measure is any action taken by the Service Provider to prevent unauthorized actions/content from the User, including, but not limited to, account suspension, content distribution prevention, or permanent restriction of service usage.


Article 4.

The Service is intended for providing professional website hosting services (English: hosting, hereinafter: hosting), domain registration, and management services in the field of information technology.

The services provided by the Service Provider are:

– Shared Web Hosting on servers equipped with Solid State Drive (SSD)

– Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting

– Dedicated hosting

– Domain registration

– SSL certificate issuance

– Design, implementation, maintenance, and integration of various IT solutions

Article 5.

Content posted by users via the Service, regardless of its form (text, graphics, photos, audio, video, etc.) must be accurate and correct. The User is solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data they enter.

Article 6.

Any use of the Service, in whole or in part, that is not in compliance with the Terms of Use will be considered an abuse of the services provided by the Service Provider and a violation of the Terms of Use.

Article 7.

The User chooses a password during registration and is solely responsible for the confidentiality of the password and the use of the Service via the access credentials. The User will not use someone else’s access credentials or give their credentials to a third party. The User may notify the Service Provider if they suspect unauthorized use of their access credentials. If the User gives their credentials to a third party, they are responsible for the actions performed by that third party. If the Service Provider requests the User’s password in limited cases of providing user support, the User is obliged to change such a password immediately after the support is provided.

Article 8.

The Service Provider will provide full support in protecting personal rights, privacy, property rights, and intellectual property rights to all right holders or those whose rights have been violated, without delay, by:

– Removing content so that it is not publicly available, while preserving the content for the purpose of evidence,

and providing the competent authority with the user data whose entry violates any of the mentioned or other rights, in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

Article 9.

In providing the services, the Service Provider is not required to review the data stored, transmitted, or made available, nor to examine circumstances that may indicate prohibited actions by the User.

Article 10.

The Service Provider is legally obliged to inform the competent state authority if there is a reasonable suspicion that:

1) The User is engaging in prohibited activities using the service;

2) The User has provided prohibited data.

This notice of prohibited action or data must include the notifier’s information, a precise description of the place on the website or other electronic display where the prohibited data appears, as well as an explanation of the illegality.

Article 11.

The Service Provider is obliged, based on an appropriate court or administrative act, to provide all data necessary for the discovery or prosecution of criminal offenses or for the protection of the rights of third parties.

Article 12.

The Service Provider transmits electronic messages provided by the users of the information society services, but does not in any way: initiate their transmission, select the data or documents being transmitted, exclude or change the data in the content of the messages or documents, nor choose the recipient of the transmission.

Article 13.

The Service Provider reserves the right to modify, terminate (whether temporarily or permanently) any element of the Service, the services provided, as well as the content or entries, regardless of who the author is, without prior approval or notification, in accordance with good business practices.

Article 14.

All timeframes and deadlines displayed through the Service, as well as time zones and working days, are calculated according to the applicable regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

Article 15.

The User pays for the service before it is rendered. The User can pay for the service to the Service Provider’s account or via a payment card.

Article 16.

The Service Provider may individually provide additional services not defined by these Terms of Use, through a separate agreement specifying those additional services.


Article 17.

The service prices provided by the Service Provider, as unified prices for a certain territory, are listed in the Price List, which is considered an integral part of these Terms of Use and is available at: https://truefalsehosting.rs/

When paying by deposit to the Service Provider, the User pays the calculated amount to the Service Provider based on the pre-invoice or pro-invoice provided to them.

Article 18


we commit to protecting the privacy of all our customers. We collect only the necessary, basic customer/user data and data necessary for business and informing users, in accordance with good business practices and to provide quality service. We give customers the option to choose, including whether they want to be removed from mailing lists used for marketing campaigns. All customer/user data is strictly kept and available only to employees for whom this data is essential to perform their work. All employees [store name] (and business partners) are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.

Article 19.

When entering payment card information, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and PKI system, the most modern cryptographic technology currently available.

Article 20.

The security of data during purchases is guaranteed by the card payment processor, NLB Komercijalna banka, so the entire payment process takes place on the bank’s pages. At no time are payment card details available to our system.

Article 21.

All payments will be made in the local currency of the Republic of Serbia – dinar (RSD). For informational display of prices in other currencies, the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia is used. The amount that will be charged to your payment card will be expressed in your local currency through a conversion into the same based on the rate used by card organizations, which is not known to us at the time of the transaction. As a result of this conversion, there may be a slight difference from the original price listed on our website.

Article 22.

  1. Web Hosting – a set of services provided by the Service Provider to the User for the purpose of hosting presentations and other content of the User on the Internet, together with domain registration services, VPS and dedicated servers, SSL certificates, in accordance with the chosen service package.
  2. In the event of a product return and a refund to a customer who previously paid with any payment card, either partially or in full, regardless of the reason for the return, the Service Provider is obliged to refund only via VISA, EC/MC, and Maestro payment methods, which means that the bank, at the seller’s request, will refund the funds to the cardholder’s account.


Article 23.

Ordering web hosting services is done through defined services at the address https://truefalsehosting.rs/, with the acceptance of the General Terms of Use. Acceptance of the General Terms will be considered as establishing an individual contractual relationship without the need for a special contract.

Article 24.

The specification of the ordered web hosting services will be displayed on the pre-invoice/invoice of the authorized distributor of hosting services.

Article 25.

Payment for ordered web hosting services is made in advance based on the provided pre-invoice from the authorized distributor, no later than 2 days from the receipt of the pre-invoice. If the client wishes to cancel the created order, it is necessary to submit a cancellation notice no later than 48 hours after receiving the order confirmation.

Upon receipt of the confirmation of payment based on the provided pre-invoice, the Service Provider is obliged to activate the hosting account within 48 hours. The exception to the above is the case of DNS propagation after domain registration.

Article 26.

The authorized hosting service distributor is obliged to issue the client an invoice for the charged amount based on the hosting service lease.

Article 27.

The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship before the expiration of the period for which the services are leased in case of violation of the provisions of these Terms by the user, without the obligation to adhere to the cancellation period. In this case, the Service Provider is released from any responsibility, including the obligation to compensate the User.

Article 28.

The User is obliged to notify the Service Provider 30 days in advance in case of early termination of the contractual relationship. In this case, the User is obliged to settle all monetary and non-monetary obligations to the Service Provider.

Article 29.

The service fee paid by the User is according to the Service Provider’s Price List for the period for which they wish to be registered on the Service as a registered user, no later than the day indicated as the payment deadline. If the User fails to pay the agreed fee within the deadline, the Service Provider will not provide the User with the ability to use the Service until the obligation is fulfilled.

Article 30.

The Service Provider reserves the right to stop providing the Service to those Users who, at their own discretion, do not meet the standards to which the Service Provider is committed, especially those who fail to meet their contractual obligations on time, or fail to do so, or there is a discretionary assessment by the Service Provider that they will not be able to fulfill them.


Article 31.

An automatic renewal invoice is created for the renewal of the hosting account or domain registration for the next subscription period unless the user has canceled the subscription according to the price list in force at the time of renewal.

The Service Provider reserves the right to notify the user of the expiration of the hosting account and hosting services leased no later than 20 days before the expiration of the active hosting account.


Article 32.

Internet domains are registered in the name of the service user for the period specified in the registration application, according to the current price list, and after receiving confirmation of payment according to the provided instructions. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify WHOIS data if necessary for technical changes to the internet domain.

Article 33.

To register domains for its Users, the Service Provider will forward the collected data to the National Internet Domain Registry of Serbia (RNIDS) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in accordance with the rules for registering national and international domains.

Article 34.

All user data is strictly kept and is available only to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees at the Service Provider are responsible for respecting privacy principles.

To successfully process the User’s request for service activation, the User must enter accurate data. The purpose and basis for data processing and collection are found in the Privacy Policy.

Article 35.

The Service Provider reserves the right to define administrative, technical, and payment contacts if deemed necessary for the normal functioning of the domain.

Article 36.

The Service Provider reserves the right to publicly disclose data on WHOIS services if the user has not requested the activation of data protection services for the domain owner.

Article 37.

The Service Provider will not be responsible for domain registration renewal if the user has not made timely payment in accordance with the provided pre-invoice for the renewal of web hosting or domain services.

Article 38.

The Service Provider will not be responsible for damages caused by technical problems in the functioning of the internet domain in any sense.

Article 39.

The Service Provider reserves the right to enter its own administrative or technical data on WHOIS services to make changes as required by the user.

Article 40.

The USER is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided for the domain owner.


Article 41.

Users use the Service entirely at their own risk. The User explicitly accepts that the Service Provider cannot be responsible for the behavior of other users or third parties, and that the risk of potential damage is entirely borne by those parties, in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Serbia.

Article 42.

The Service Provider transmits data entered by the User via a communication network and is not responsible for the automatic, intermediary, or temporary storage that serves only to form more efficient data transfers requested by other service users because: it does not alter the data; respects the conditions for data access; acts in accordance with the rules for data updates; acts in accordance with allowed data collection technology usage; removes or disables access to stored data immediately after learning that the data has been removed from transfer via the network or access to it has been disabled, and when the court or another competent authority orders their removal or access disabling.

Article 43.

The Service Provider stores data provided by the User at the User’s request and is not responsible for the content of the stored data because: it does not know nor can it know about the unauthorized actions of the User or the content of the data; immediately after learning that it is an unauthorized action or data, it removes or disables access to that data.

Article 44.

The Service Provider may enable access to data from another service provider via electronic referral (English: Link), but is not responsible for that information because: it does not know nor can it know about the unauthorized actions of the User or the content of the data in that information; immediately after learning that it is unauthorized action or data, it removes or disables access to the data.

Article 45.

The Service Provider does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or the content posted by users. The Service Provider does not initiate the transfer of electronic messages provided by the user, does not select the data or documents being transmitted, does not exclude or change data in the message or document content, and does not select the recipient of the transmission.

Article 46.

The limitation of liability applies to all damages (material and/or non-material) or injuries that may result from hidden defects, errors, interruptions, deletions, data loss, non-delivery of emails, failure, delay in operation or transmission, computer viruses, communication interruptions, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to data, changes or misuse of data by third parties, contract termination, behavior contrary to the Terms of Use, negligence, etc.

Except in cases of intent or gross negligence, the Service Provider is not responsible for any temporary unavailability of the Service, nor for partial or complete non-functionality or malfunction of the Service. The Service Provider is not responsible for technical problems that may cause delays and/or incorrect electronic data processing, including the system clock. Internet service providers that the Service Provider uses are responsible for the aforementioned.

The Service may be temporarily unavailable or available in a limited capacity as a result of regular or emergency system maintenance or system upgrades.

Article 47.

The Service Provider reserves the right to take measures that may limit or disable access to services if there are technical, security, operational, or other reasons to maintain the necessary level of functionality and operability of the hosting network and individual services, as well as in the case of requests from the competent state authorities.

Article 48.

The Service Provider is not responsible for damage caused by non-functionality in the operation of part or all of the hosting infrastructure due to technical reasons, force majeure, or irregularities in the operation of hardware and software, except for the reduction of the fee proportionally to the duration of the irregularity.

Article 49.

The Service Provider is not responsible for the content, security, and accuracy of the information that the user exchanges with other Internet users, nor for the security of user data.

Article 50.

The Service Provider has the right to notify the user about shortcomings and prohibited activities via email and the obligation to cease prohibited activities. The Service Provider reserves the right to temporarily suspend the provision of hosting services for a period of up to 7 days. If the user continues prohibited activities despite the warning, the Service Provider has the right to permanently terminate the hosting account, with notification to the user, and without the obligation to refund the paid service fee.

Article 51.

The Service Provider performs monthly backups of hosting accounts, but does not guarantee the integrity and content of the backup copies as they are generated by the cPanel service.

The Service Provider is not responsible in cases of interruption of hosting services due to work on the server infrastructure, on parts of the Internet beyond its control, or provided that it informs the user of planned work no later than 24 hours before the start of the work.


Article 52.

The USER is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data provided in the registration application when leasing web hosting services.

The USER is obliged to always have up-to-date contact details and to notify the Service Provider of any changes, in order to maintain the necessary level of communication during the leased hosting period, within 3 days from the date of the data change.

The USER is obliged not to give the access credentials for accessing hosting resources to third parties and to keep them confidential to protect the integrity of the data.

The USER is obliged to ensure that the content they place on the internet presentation complies with the applicable legal regulations of the Republic of Serbia, and that the presented content does not commit a criminal offense, commercial offense, copyright infringement, or intellectual property infringement, unfair competition, violation of personal rights of citizens, unauthorized access to other people’s information or distribution of viruses and other harmful content.

The USER is responsible for the presented textual, multimedia, or other content, regardless of whether they personally posted it or if the content was posted by a third party, whether authorized or unauthorized, whose access or activation by third parties may result in any prohibited activities or violation of the legal regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

The USER is obliged not to cause server infrastructure load beyond the allowed values for processor and memory usage, in which case the hosting account will be temporarily suspended.

The USER is responsible for maintaining the security of the hosting account to prevent malicious activities that cause harm to other users on the server or third parties, as well as for creating backup copies of the hosting account. The user has the option to create a backup from cPanel themselves.

Article 53.

The USER will not use web hosting packages, VPS, and dedicated servers, as well as server hosting services for sending unsolicited SMS and email messages (SPAM), nor will pirated content be stored on the Service Provider’s servers.


Article 54.

The Service Provider processes necessary data of those individuals who have given consent for processing, for a clearly defined purpose, in a legally permitted manner, so that the individual to whom the data relates is not determined or determinable after the purpose of processing is achieved, and in proportion to the purpose of processing.

The data processed must be accurate and complete and must be based on a credible source, or a source that is not outdated.

A detailed description of the personal data collected and how it is stored is found in the Privacy Policy, which constitutes a separate agreement.

All general acts of the Service Provider must be in accordance with these Data Protection Rules.

If any general act is not in accordance with these Data Protection Rules regarding the protection of personal data, the provisions of these Rules shall apply.


Article 55.

The user agrees that the Service Provider may periodically send them notices regarding the content of the Service, as well as notices regarding the Service and promotional notices. Consent is given by accepting the Privacy Policy.

Article 56.


As the Service Provider provides an information society service, it is not possible to file a complaint about the provided service.

The information society service provided by the Service Provider is fully provided because the provision of the service began after the User’s explicit prior consent to use the service, and the User, by accepting these Terms, confirms that they are aware that they lose the right to withdraw from the contract in case the Service Provider fully fulfills its contractual obligations.

Article 57.

Domain registration is not subject to a complaint, and a refund is not possible after domain registration is completed.


Article 58.

Change of Terms

The Service Provider reserves the right to change or supplement these Terms of Use at any time, by publishing the changes and supplements in a consolidated text on its website and/or sending a notice (via email) to all registered users, at least eight days before the start of their application.

If an already registered user does not give an explicit response within the specified period, it will be considered that they agree with the new Terms of Use. If an already registered user explicitly (by email informing the Service Provider of not accepting the Terms of Use) does not accept these Terms of Use, it will be considered that their user status has ended, that all previous rights and obligations have ceased, and the contractual relationship is terminated under the previous Terms of Use.

Article 59.

All disputes arising from the execution of this contract will be resolved by the contractual parties amicably. This obligation of the contractual parties implies that before addressing the competent court, the contractual parties address each other with a proposal to resolve the dispute amicably. Otherwise, the lawsuit or any other act will be considered premature.

The parties may agree on the deadline and manner of amicable resolution of the disputed relationship.

If the dispute is not resolved amicably between the parties, the court in Belgrade will have jurisdiction.

Entry into force

These Terms of Use will apply as of January 31, 2024.